Hennesy Artistry Mist club

Seem like I'll join but sadly not me.. My brother get 5 invitation pass*

sales的時候去買東西是最爽不過那天跟寶貝CY去了Mid Valley 我們逛逛逛逛逛總而言之就逛了很久..我終於有了收穫兩個包包一個RM129是當然我沒有那末瘋狂就是因為有sales我才去買呀!另外還買了一件Seed的背心
♥.. 還有我看中了一件MnG的晚裝裙..剛好可以當作prom night的衣 C=

超愛的啦*就這樣我帶去的兩百塊也就(泡銷)no idea這句話怎樣寫..


這兒有些照,是那天拍的不是特別美 " ( 別介意哦..


貓咪睡在一塊.. 拜託?! 媽媽叫我把它們放進紙箱裡放在外面等會它媽會帶走它們..你覺得我捨得嗎?
我用可憐的眼神看著媽 o.o


Nam nam..

Our supper-time :D
Went to Delicious at Jalan Tun Razak with cousin and brother.. Just child..
Love the environment..

Finally the bill was RM 242. 55
'Well' little bit frustrate to say : I'm not highly pleasing to the taste..
Actually bro fetch us to full house but didn't open so have no option..
First stopping place

I love it chocolate shake RM 9.90
Ham Cheese RM 19.90
My seriously delicious cheese burger RM 24.90
Permit me to say that it too expensive just two pieces Fish N Chip RM 29.90
Chispy Salmon RM 39.90
Chunky Chips RM 9.90
Next stop, double M... Mcdonald's and Movie

We went home at 12.00 pm..
That's all for the child outing day...
First of all, I suppose to utter about this post having no particular purpose..
:p It just so random hope you guys won't mind..

Pic above is a card cases.. Actually its nothing special lar, but for me?!
I have not credit card (even any member card) I just possess my IC ,Touchngo, Gentingcard and Healthcare card thats all so ><" definitely not useable for me.. As I mention just now.. Random Contented and pleased to say that my hair length, long of great in the way according to my vision lar. Specifically its already fulfill my desire :D But, I have a preference for the length longer than this..

This song makes me feel good :) no doubt about it. COOL